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Pelvic Organ Prolapse


A pelvic organ prolapse occurs when the organs surrounding the pelvis fall into the vaginal canal. This is often a result of weak vaginal muscles that are unable to support these organs. This condition becomes more common as women get older.

Risks of pelvic organ prolapse can be increased for a number of reasons. If a women has given birth to a heavier or larger baby, this can increase the risk of a prolapse. The risk can also be increased if the woman underwent a long labor period that involved intense pushing. Smoking and obesity can also contribute to causing a prolapse.


There are a variety of treatment options for women suffering from a pelvic organ prolapse depending on the severity of the prolapse. If the condition is minor, exercises to strengthen pelvic muscles can reverse the prolapse and place the organs that have fallen back into their places.

When a prolapse is more severe, it will often require surgical treatment in order to fix the condition. One of the possible surgical treatments is the the use of a transvaginal mesh. A transvaginal mesh is a piece of surgical equipment that is inserted through the vagina of the woman suffering from the pelvic organ prolapse. It is inserted to act as a bridge that holds up the organs that have prolapsed and prevents them from falling back into the vaginal canal.

While the use of transvaginal mesh is one possible treatment option that can reverse the effects of a pelvic organ prolapse, it is not always the safest route. Recent studies have found many dangers and post-surgical complications that are associated with the use of transvaginal mesh.

The mesh is meant to be inserted into the body permanently. Once it has been inserted, it is difficult to remove. Many problems can come up because of the mesh piece. If the mesh begins to move, it can erode vaginal tissue. This can lead to significant pain and discomfort. If the erosion becomes more serious, other organs can begin to become effected. If the mesh piece erodes enough of the tissue it can sometimes make contact with the bladder and other nearby organs causing damage to the organ tissue. When a followup surgery is needed to repair or remove the mesh, victims tend to seek legal justice by suing the negligent manufacturers of the mesh.



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