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High Cholesterol


High cholesterol is a condition in which large amounts of cholesterol are present in the blood. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat like substance that is found throughout the body. The body needs cholesterol, but if it gets too much cholesterol, health complications can begin to occur. High levels of cholesterol can lead to a number of lasting health complications and greatly increase the chances of heart attack and stroke. It is estimated that around 42 million people suffer from high cholesterol.

There are two different types of cholesterol found in the body. These types are generally called “good” and “bad” cholesterol. Good cholesterol is important to the body and its functions. It can help remove bad cholesterol as well. Bad cholesterol can create buildups of plaque that constrict veins and arteries. If a constriction happens in the heart or brain, heart attack and stroke can occur.

High cholesterol is often caused by a combination of factors. These can include both environmental and genetic factors. Diet has been cited as one of the main causes of high cholesterol as well as obesity and type II diabetes. Consuming items that are high in saturated fat have been linked to the development of high cholesterol. Some people have a genetic disposition that causes them to have high levels of cholesterol.


A large number of people can stave off high cholesterol by making simple changes to their diet and beginning to exercise. These changes in lifestyle can often be enough to reverse the high levels of cholesterol and bring them back down to normal levels. The most important changes to diet that one can make are eating less foods that are high in saturated fat. Over time, this can reduce the cholesterol found in the blood stream. Other foods to avoid include foods high in cholesterol.

Being overweight can also increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood stream. By losing weight or maintaining current weight, cholesterol can often be reduced. Exercise can be a great contributor to weight less or weight maintenance.

This approach often takes more time and some people may need to take other measures to lower their cholesterol if they are at a more serious risk of developing other conditions.

When these lifestyle changes don’t work, it can sometimes be necessary to take some sort of prescription to aid with the reduction of cholesterol. There are a number of available prescription options that have been shown to reduce the amount of cholesterol found in the blood stream. These types of drugs are known as statins and can both reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. They work by preventing the enzyme in the liver responsible for creating bad cholesterol from forming.

These drugs should act as a supplement to a better diet, weight loss, and increased exercise. In combination, they can have a significant effect on cholesterol levels. The most popular drug on the market that is used for treating high cholesterol is Lipitor. It’s a drug that is manufactured by Pfizer. While it can help control cholesterol levels, it has been shown to have some serious side effects. Recent studies indicate that for women undergoing menopause, there is a serious risk of developing type II diabetes. For some women, the risks associated with high cholesterol may be so great that they outweigh the negative effects of type II diabetes. For others, this may not be the case. There have been a growing number of lawsuits against Pfizer regarding the lack of warning regarding the potential negative effects of Lipitor. There is more information available at the Lipitor Overview Page.

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